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Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

FIREWORKS and 1/1/11.

Waving goodbye to 2010. Today is the first day of 2011. How was your New Years Eve going? I celebrated the NYE with whole family around, we decided to watch movie and take a dinner outside. Nothing special, but knowing that this year i still had my complete family together is such a gratitude feelings. : )

For me 2010 is the best year i’ve ever been through, so much oppurtunity, luckiness, happy feelings and blessing came at that year. Feels like GOD really love me and showering me with so much happiness. Everything going smoothly as it can be. I’ve got my degree, I’ve met lot of new people, changing my perspective of life, became more optimistic yet realistic person, and the best part is one by one the things i’ve been dreaming to for such a long time became real at 2010.

Soo this are My 5 TOP great moments in 2010 :
  • Got my driving licence in May. (oke, pardon me for being so “Norak”.. for some people this might be an ordinary thing, but trust me, i always put this on my new year’s resolutions list since i was 18. So this was kinda BIG thing for me. ;p)
  • Got a chance to going abroad and doing KL – Singapore Trip with best friends in the end of July.
  • Moved to the new house in Agust (actually, its my mom and dad’s wildest dream for the last 2 years, and i am pointlessly happy that they could make it real this year. ;D)
  • Got an extra letter for my last name, S.Ds (bachelor of art) in October.
  • Being trusted to handle some of important job desk in the workplace since November.

Making La Bamba's Video Clip.
Laughing to DEAD! hahahaaa!!!

One of the Priceless Moment in 2010.
*Tahun 2011 ini mau kemana kita kawan?? ; )*
I could say 2010 is the year of change for my self and my family. The new stage of life. My older sister and odit graduated too at this year. My Sister being a doctor for real and Odit finally entered the world of school (in other words : the cruelity of life) as a primary school’s student. I still have a bunch of dreaming to pursue, and sure i put them on my new year’s resolutions 2011. Hopefully with the faith that i had, i could elevate my life to something better and make my wish come true.

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get all the things right.

Soooo are you ready for this new page of life??? ; )


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