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Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011


Whoaaa, time flies super fast... its Sunday again...

I can say this whole week was super wicked. I've through so many fun things with random people. I've learn something new, and i've got a chance to met my collage mates! Thus, it was tremendous week in one package! Hahahhaaa...

I can't share my whole week stories here, because part of them are way too personal i think. and since blog is an all accsess social media, hence it would be better if i keep my mouth shut, and stocked it up just for me (and my closest friends) hehehee..

Sooo, i think i'm gonna write about my last Saturday Night with My DKV4 mates. (the only thing left that was not too personal). hahahahhaa....

Its been ages i've never met them, since our graduation we've been practically separated and never have a chance to meet each other. we've been drowning in our own busy life. Deep down, i misseeeeddd them sooo muccchhh.... its always been a good day when i met them! We've spent like six hour talked and laughed out loud about nearly everything.

Pictures from last night! Aaaahhh, I MISS YOU ALL.... : ((

Only ten of us, Luny, Cella, Nope, Icha, Indah, Mulya, Subhan, Mosav, Momon and Me who could join this liltle reunion. IT WAS FUN! Sharing stories, recent each others life, and the best part (and takes the most of our times) they helping me picking the right - i can't tell you all now - from the brocure. hahahaaa.. sory guys, i know i'm sooo BAWEEEEL while picking that stuff. Thanks for helping me choosing the right one. hahahaaa...

Please please please, let us make another reunion and invite all DKV4's team... huhuu.. i miss all of youu, please bring back all the memories from the previous years.... 

Kisses and Hug! :*


1 komentar:

  1. wuuiiii...ngirrriiiiii...maaf ga jadi time ya... :)
