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Selasa, 25 Januari 2011


Too many stories i wanna type here. okay i'm gonna start to write it down. Muddle Incident might be the best headline for me lately. Around the last 2 days maybe. My feelings was upside down, somewhile i felt excited, calm and soo happy but othertimes i felt so nervous, depressed, and disappointed.

I don't know where i should start, but i'm gonna keep writing then. hehehee.. 

oke, lets start from.. umm, Konser Suara Sang Dewi by TITI DJ. Titi Dj is one of my mom's favorite singer, shortly she makes a lil concert held at TMI. So, because i have not had time to bought my mom a present at her birthday last year, i decided to buy 2 tickets of Titi Dj's concert, just for me and my mom. I've made a lil surprise by not telling her until the concert day came. Frankly, unforeseen incident happens right before i gave the 'surprise present' that night! My 6-yo lil brother got sick, his body was sooo warmed. My mom very happy when she received the present but at the same time she doesn't want to left my brother alone. I'm begging to death, to convinced her that odit would be fine. We only left him just around 2 hours. But she insist not to goin the concert with me. and you know what, my childish side appears, hahahaa.. I'm burst into tears!!! hahaha.. cos i dont know who i should blame for this kind of situation. I've set my expectation too high, i wish my mom will be sooo happy! because i know, she really gonna love it. Hoah, after half hour cried, i use my logical brain and keeps my head cool in this heated situation. My mom said that she was happy i gave her something that she really wanted, she said it over and over again. She doesn't want to dissapoint me. But who knew that odit would attacked by 40 degrees body heated on that night. No body plan this. 

Soo, I'm looking at the tickets, and say this at the heart "I have to see it!" (lebay..hahahhaa).. so after thinking like 5 mins, i called my best friend Keisha to accompany me watched the concert!


In front of New Building of Teater Jakarta

Around two hours our eyes was presented with superb performance. The Dance Company, Rossa, J-Flow, Andi Rianto, Vidi Aldiano and manyy moreee... wish my mom was there. : )


Okay Thats the first.

The Second muddle incident was not only stop there. I guess God trying to train me to accept every situation with a cool head. On the morning after, I've got an important meeting, errrr.. i think i can't write the whole story here, but shortly, the things i've planned not going as smooth as i expected. At that time, i felt dissapointed at my self, depressed and very "suntuk" (i didn't find the right words for "suntuk" in english). So i'm drove alone, looking a place to getting my lunch and called Sharah (another besties) to cheers me up. We met up, sharing stories, and like always, she can make my burden a lil lighter.

After getting our lunch, we decided to continue the talks at my house. After long hours chit chat, i went downstairs to feed my dog, -Corgy- for a while. And who knew, My 911 planned to throw me a surprise party!!! When i went back to my room, i opened the door and.....


The Cutest Birthday Cake I've ever received!!!

Thankies Guys, you are all awesomeee!!! *hugs*


Small Treat at Warung Pasta! *deliciosooo*

Hahahaa... actually it was not a succeed surprise, cause i saw their shoes in my garage.. but i'm sooo undeniably happy when i saw them all together make an effort to blithe meee!!!! Thanks guys, y'all the greatest!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!

... And at the same night, i have to face another muddle incident. My odit was hospitalized. Yeah, so around 11pm, with my 5 watt eyes, i drove to the hospital to bring odit's stuff.

One. Odd. Day.

But still grateful. : )


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