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Senin, 10 Januari 2011


Its been several days i’m not sharing some story at this blog. I was busy taking care my job. The new issue is on the way. So i’m being a deadliner for a while. The only nightmare for a freelancer like me is , its hard to find the diffrence between weekdays and weekends. So sometimes i ended up stuck on the laptop’s screen all day and barely can’t going anywhere till the jobs finished. even on the weekends. (sorry for some people whos been very so kind asking me to go out at the weekends, when i said “i can’t”, maybe this is the main reasons. :( ).

Anyway, When i get busy doing my job, sometimes i’m becoming the “sinister” version of Ninda, simply because I’m a - brain only can work when the deadline date getting closer- type of person. Every cells of my body will working harder only if the time was running out! (Hahahaa..) so’ when this situation happens, somewhile i dont care with the liltle things that wasn’t worth my time. I dont care about the people around me (except mom n dad ...and my boss for sure ;p), i enjoy being totally autism in front of my laptop. I locked my room, playing the music loudly, and doing anything that makes me happy while getting my jobs done. Seems i just go outside only to take my meal and take a bath. But it doesn’t bother me much, coz this condition only takes a week in a month. After the deadline storm ( i called it “Badai Deadline” ) ends i can do anything i like! Hahahaaa..

Enough talking about my work..

How was your first week in 2011 going?? i can say my first week in 2011 running very well. Many grateful feelings came into me. From getting a new maid(s) (this is undeniably super good news! Especially for me! Bye bye Sumiati! :D) for cleaning the house and taking care odit, then i’m officially spent my last January’s weekend in Bali with Olga and Deni (WOHOOO!) and the fascinating one is my mom and dad promised to buy me “something” that i really really wanted, my last year wish (i cant tell you now!) , for my birthday present this yeaarr! (SUPEERR YEIIIYYY!!!!) even though I did not asked them to buy it for me. whoah,i know, i know, I Have The BEST Parents in The World! :D

Our Recent Family Pictures

Introducing My "INNER CIRCLE"
Mom, Dad, Kak Manda, Me, and That liltle one Odit ;)

I guess GOD decided to extend the happiness feelings from 2010 till (i hope forever) for me! Astungkara, God has been so generous and kind-hearted to me and my family. :)

Oh yeah, in my spare time, i’m making the “Ninda’s 2011 Resolutions” List, and i gain like 15 resolutions. And it keeps growing. I dont have a clue i could make those list come true or not, but at least i have a goals to achieve this year! So I’m trying my best, to be the best version of my self. What about you? Feeling energized already to throught the entire year?? I Hope so! ;D

HAPPY 11.1.11! *dashing date huh? i wish something remarkable happen to me today! ;)*


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