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Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Morning Zombie!

Hoaahh.. Hello guys... its Monday already, nope.. err.. its Tuesday...

Okey i think i have this serious illness, I can't sleep properly at night.. Its 2.22 am right now. I mean, no matter how tired I am or how great I planned to be able to sleep at night (like deliberatly not sleep at noon, so I can catch my early night sleep) still, I can't sleep. Most of them called it Insomnia. 

I think this issue getting bigger when i started to realise that i'm not waking up with fit as a fiddle feelings. My back ache, my head spinning and i knew, i started to killed my self slowly. Some of my friends said maybe i had some problems i haven't solved, or another psychology troubles. Hence, i think backwards and found nothing was going wrong till now. There's no such a big problem i have to finished. Everything went well.

Every night i've tried to stay inside my blanket, trying to sleep, closing my eyes and empty-ing my mind. But for several hours, still I'm unable to sleep due to this ailment syndrome. *sigh*. Sooo' I'm a Morning zombie at this moment. I can't sleep and I decided to post something on my blog. hehehe...

Oyeah, I had this liltle reunion with my DKV 4 members last Saturday Night.

We going dinner at Zenbu resto in Senopati. Recommended place. They had a very delicious Ramen and Mozaru rice with affordable prices. Like usual, we taking lots of pictures. hahaha..

Here are they!

Thankies Girls, I had so much fun, uncountable laughs, and gossips. hahahaa.. we should hangout more often for sure! : D

Oke, its time for me to (trying to) sleep!

Morning Zombie Sign Out! : D


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