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Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011

The benefit of the backspace key!

This video just goes to show how the internet is allowing us to edit our emotions. Without face to face interaction and with the benefit of the backspace key, we are able to edit and rethink what we are going to say before hitting the enter key. 

I pretty sure that most of you have been trapped in this kind of situation. But maybe not in the chat tab like this.. hahahaa.. I totally in love with this video, it really shows how it really is. Sometimes, you wanna tell someone how you feel, but you don't.... I  know for sure that most people probably will do this kind of thing every once and a while, including meSometimes I just write what I really want to say then delete it, but it makes me feel better to have at least typed it out without click the enter button. Hahahhaaa...

This is the fact that sometimes we dont have a guts to bluntly saying what we feel. Its pathetic, because we just gonna ended up with curiousity.. Frankly, This has happened to me countless times. Not only on the chat tab, not only about love but in the daily problems of life too. In the workplace, in the daily interactions with other people, uumm.. not often, but once in a while, based on the situations, i'm doing that. This is one of my shortcomings i guess (at least that's what i thought!). I admit, i'm not a  straightforward personsometimes I rule out my opinion, so everything gonna run as it supposed to be and *poff*, the problem solved. 

I'm satisfied for a while if everything going smooth and act like i'm okay. But somewhile, i got the upset feelings all over my head, thinking "Why i don't have the courage to telling what i wanted to say, it might be lead to the result that i have been waiting for!" .... and it tortured me sometimes. The lack of confidence, not enough guts, the fear of getting rejections, and uneasy feeling towards the opposite opinions might be one of the trigger. Pity huh? : ( . 

What about you?? Doing the same way too??

Sorry for the very small screen of the video, i don't know how to make it larger. 
But you can see the video more clearly HERE! enjoy! ; )


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