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Selasa, 15 Februari 2011


Geez, its hard to find a time for blogging.. i've been quite busy taking care of my own bussiness lately.. humm, its almost one month i didn't post anything here.. HUH!

oke. here we go.

umm, acctually i dont have anything in mind at this moment. ummm.. *thinking harder* Hey! i just remember, yesterday was a Valentine's Day!!! Happy Valentine you all... what you guys normally do when Valentine's day come?? Spend the night with your loved ones in a warm and a sweet dinner? Got a box of chocolates? exchanged cute gifts or roses? whoaa, i'm so envy then! heheheee... What should a single person (errr, like me!) do on Valentine's day?? Hahahhaa, I don't see Vals day as a big deal, but to be honest sometimes I do feel a bit left out when my friends celebrated this special day with her or his bf or gf... but it doesnt bother me much, because i know, i'm being loved with everyone around me... everyone who counts me in to their lives, like my inner circle and my 911... : )

Okay. Sooo.. yesterday i've spent my night went to La Piazza, having dinner, watching movie and going to Forbidden Dynasty (its a chinese's ghost house! quite scary but fun in the inside. worth to try!). Thanking God i'm not going alone that night.. It was a good night and i enjoyed the whole day for sure. hehe.

ooh yeah, in this vals day, surprisingly i've got a box of cupcakes and a bucket of flowers.

Cute Cupcakes' Box! : D

Orange Roses.

I am soo undeniably happy. I'm confidently saying that i dont need all this stuff to made my day, but receive a gift makes me feel special. hehee.. in fact, i've never celebrated vals day.. simply because i never had a boyfriend on that time (until now! how pathetic i am. hahaha). so' this was kind a huge thing for me. Every girl deserves to feel special, and today is one of those days where I believe i have a right to expect it. Thank you. Turbo thank you. : )

This is what i wore last night. kikikiiiikk...

Nooo, I'm not wearing sunglasses for real... i just doing a lil experiment on this photo.
I'm looking a bit cooler isn't?? hahahhaa..

Thank Youu for reading. I wish i could find more time to posting at my blog regularly.



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