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Kamis, 17 Februari 2011


For most people who takes a job as an employee must be yelling this words today " THANKS GOD, ITS FRIDAY! " yeah, its Friday.. the day when most people wish they have an ability to fast forward the time and fly to the weekends. Obviously it does not count on me. I'm a freelancer, so after my deadline passed, i had tons of times to enjoy and doing everything i want. Unfortunetly, I'm not good at spend time doing something usefull. to overcome this problems, everynight before i hit the bed, i make a planning list which are contains a schedule of activities for the next day. and so far, it works good. hihihiiii.. 

Anyway, yesterday the list not went well, I'm planning to print some photos for my grandma and wrapped a gift for her in the afternoon, but apprently i fell a sleep (which is absolutely not on my list 
-____-*) and woke up soo late at night. *sigh* but it was okay as long as i enjoyed my whole day and i can fix the problems on the other day. hehehe..

Since my eyes wide awake at night, this is what i do.

Photoshop-ed. hahahahaa..

Minty Knit and Olive Green Pants. ooh, i'm in loveee!

Yesterday i went to Cheese Cake Factory to bought Chocolate cookies in Cikini. I love the vibe on that place, so i decided to stay a while and enjoyed some ice cream. Yeah. Alone. Hahahhaa.. The autism side of me. Hahahaa.. and those pictures was taken after i got home. Mint Green is my current favorite color! so fresh, soo mild and clean. : )

Enjoy your Friday dear. 24 Hours to goo to the weekends! Break the leg!! Ciaaaooo!


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