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Selasa, 04 Januari 2011


Hello blog, may i report that i was doing nothing today. I was slept at 6 am in the morning and i felt spinning all over my head when i woke up. Not good at all. The reason why i hit the bed soo late is because yesterday was a Siwaratri’s day, which is me as a Hindu-nese should fasting all day and should not sleep till the sun rises up. This is not an obligation that i have to complete actually, but i’m curious what the feels like, being a Lubdaka for one night.

Since Lubdaka was not a famous story, i’ll tell you a bit about him...

Lubdaka is a myth (i dont know its a myth or a real story, lets say its a myth ;P) from India, about a tracker whom trapped at the top of a big tree when he was on his way doing his job,hunting animals in the jungle. He can’t going down, because a big tiger waiting hungrily under the tree. He was so scared and he decided hanging on the branch and not fall a sleep till the morning came. Because theres no food and he completely exhausted, he died. When he reached the afterlife’s door, the Gods actually had planned to enter him into the fire of hell, simply because he kills animals as his job. But because he accidently doing fasting and not sleep all night at the Siwaratri’s day the Gods decided to forgave him and put him to the splendor-ness of heaven. 

Honestly im not quite understand the essence of the Siwaratri’s day itself. I asked my mom and dad, and they told me, the main essence of Siwaratri’s is a self-control. We as a human, have the power to control our own mind and needs, and Siwaratri’s day, is the day where we are (Hindu-nese) reminded to get closer to God, by removing all worldly things and stuff.

Okey, seems like im patronizing you guys... hahahaa... but i gladly enough i could share the story about Lubdaka to all of you. Because that’s the only Hindu-nese story i’ve ever remember when i was a kid.

Thanks for reading. My friend Dian, who wanted to sleepover-ing at my house today has come. I need to sign out. 

P.S : I’m not doing fasting yesterday. ;P


2 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. Lubdaka really died at the Siwaratri night? But from the story i knew, he did not died that day. He managed to go back home in the morning after the tiger leave. Then he died a few days after.. :)
