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Kamis, 13 Januari 2011


Specify one thing that makes you happy? What the first thing comes to your mind?

Mine is Friends. My circle of trust. I used to call them My 911, because everytime i get stuck, i have a trouble, need someone to talk to or just need a moments to laughing out loud, i just need to 'dial' my emergency call and wooozzz they'll always be there for me on the first place. This team is the 'place' i could rely on. More than friends, more like separated sisters ;)

I can't believe we've been being a good friends since 10,5 years ago. We growing up together, we knows each others life from the very beginning. we've been shared the past memories together and until know, we're going stronger that ever. Eventhough right now we currently being so busy with our activity as an employee, but we still manage to spare sometime to meet, just to hangout for a while. For me, i think i'm a lil bit obsessed to share my time with them, because i know for sure, everytime i share my moments with them, it'll be a VERY QUALIFIED and SUPER good time. I could laughing till my tears came out, i could sharing my story till my voice runs out and i can be my self because i can't do fake in front of them. ;D

Two days ago we decided to met at Grand Indonesia and getting
dinner together. But only 5 of us could come.

Quality time with My Best! (another pictures are in keisha's)

I think the dress code for that night was "The After Work." so i'm wearing my butterfly white shirt plus trouser pants, and sure wedges to elongate my legs. ;P. I can proudly say that i'm designing the white top and the bag that i wore. it looks good isn't?? *maksa* ;))

Apparently i'm looking like 27yrs old ladies. looking aging in a snap -____-*

One day i'm gonna write much moree about this 911 team. I have tons of story with them, but right now, my eyes couldn't open any longer. Last word to end this post is I'm so grateful i'm growing up with you guys (like keisha's said). Sounds cheesy but thats the truth girlss. Good Night Sizzzzyyy..... ;)


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