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Selasa, 25 Januari 2011


Too many stories i wanna type here. okay i'm gonna start to write it down. Muddle Incident might be the best headline for me lately. Around the last 2 days maybe. My feelings was upside down, somewhile i felt excited, calm and soo happy but othertimes i felt so nervous, depressed, and disappointed.

I don't know where i should start, but i'm gonna keep writing then. hehehee.. 

oke, lets start from.. umm, Konser Suara Sang Dewi by TITI DJ. Titi Dj is one of my mom's favorite singer, shortly she makes a lil concert held at TMI. So, because i have not had time to bought my mom a present at her birthday last year, i decided to buy 2 tickets of Titi Dj's concert, just for me and my mom. I've made a lil surprise by not telling her until the concert day came. Frankly, unforeseen incident happens right before i gave the 'surprise present' that night! My 6-yo lil brother got sick, his body was sooo warmed. My mom very happy when she received the present but at the same time she doesn't want to left my brother alone. I'm begging to death, to convinced her that odit would be fine. We only left him just around 2 hours. But she insist not to goin the concert with me. and you know what, my childish side appears, hahahaa.. I'm burst into tears!!! hahaha.. cos i dont know who i should blame for this kind of situation. I've set my expectation too high, i wish my mom will be sooo happy! because i know, she really gonna love it. Hoah, after half hour cried, i use my logical brain and keeps my head cool in this heated situation. My mom said that she was happy i gave her something that she really wanted, she said it over and over again. She doesn't want to dissapoint me. But who knew that odit would attacked by 40 degrees body heated on that night. No body plan this. 

Soo, I'm looking at the tickets, and say this at the heart "I have to see it!" (lebay..hahahhaa).. so after thinking like 5 mins, i called my best friend Keisha to accompany me watched the concert!


In front of New Building of Teater Jakarta

Around two hours our eyes was presented with superb performance. The Dance Company, Rossa, J-Flow, Andi Rianto, Vidi Aldiano and manyy moreee... wish my mom was there. : )


Okay Thats the first.

The Second muddle incident was not only stop there. I guess God trying to train me to accept every situation with a cool head. On the morning after, I've got an important meeting, errrr.. i think i can't write the whole story here, but shortly, the things i've planned not going as smooth as i expected. At that time, i felt dissapointed at my self, depressed and very "suntuk" (i didn't find the right words for "suntuk" in english). So i'm drove alone, looking a place to getting my lunch and called Sharah (another besties) to cheers me up. We met up, sharing stories, and like always, she can make my burden a lil lighter.

After getting our lunch, we decided to continue the talks at my house. After long hours chit chat, i went downstairs to feed my dog, -Corgy- for a while. And who knew, My 911 planned to throw me a surprise party!!! When i went back to my room, i opened the door and.....


The Cutest Birthday Cake I've ever received!!!

Thankies Guys, you are all awesomeee!!! *hugs*


Small Treat at Warung Pasta! *deliciosooo*

Hahahaa... actually it was not a succeed surprise, cause i saw their shoes in my garage.. but i'm sooo undeniably happy when i saw them all together make an effort to blithe meee!!!! Thanks guys, y'all the greatest!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!

... And at the same night, i have to face another muddle incident. My odit was hospitalized. Yeah, so around 11pm, with my 5 watt eyes, i drove to the hospital to bring odit's stuff.

One. Odd. Day.

But still grateful. : )


Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011


Whoaaa, time flies super fast... its Sunday again...

I can say this whole week was super wicked. I've through so many fun things with random people. I've learn something new, and i've got a chance to met my collage mates! Thus, it was tremendous week in one package! Hahahhaaa...

I can't share my whole week stories here, because part of them are way too personal i think. and since blog is an all accsess social media, hence it would be better if i keep my mouth shut, and stocked it up just for me (and my closest friends) hehehee..

Sooo, i think i'm gonna write about my last Saturday Night with My DKV4 mates. (the only thing left that was not too personal). hahahahhaa....

Its been ages i've never met them, since our graduation we've been practically separated and never have a chance to meet each other. we've been drowning in our own busy life. Deep down, i misseeeeddd them sooo muccchhh.... its always been a good day when i met them! We've spent like six hour talked and laughed out loud about nearly everything.

Pictures from last night! Aaaahhh, I MISS YOU ALL.... : ((

Only ten of us, Luny, Cella, Nope, Icha, Indah, Mulya, Subhan, Mosav, Momon and Me who could join this liltle reunion. IT WAS FUN! Sharing stories, recent each others life, and the best part (and takes the most of our times) they helping me picking the right - i can't tell you all now - from the brocure. hahahaaa.. sory guys, i know i'm sooo BAWEEEEL while picking that stuff. Thanks for helping me choosing the right one. hahahaaa...

Please please please, let us make another reunion and invite all DKV4's team... huhuu.. i miss all of youu, please bring back all the memories from the previous years.... 

Kisses and Hug! :*


Selasa, 18 Januari 2011


17 Januari 2011, its the day when i turned 22. Huuhuhuhu... feels old already. Normally i always getting excited when the time of my birthday getting closer. But i dont feel it this year, i feel if i’m officially being 22, i have to be more mature, and absolutely more responsibility in life waiting to come. I think I'm going through a mid-life crisis. I've been reflecting on my life for the past week and I just realized, 'Hey, I haven't really done much with it.' The future keeps haunting me, and still i don't know where i should start. *sigh* Yeah, maybe i should plan my future more seriously right now (like super serious!).

Anyway, what makes you energized when your Birthday comes??

The good things i loveee when my born day comes are the surprises and the utterance birthday from all of my friends (who remembered i think ;P). I'm actually more excited to see a thread about birthdays on my birthday. Hahahaa.. its a wonderful feelings when you know that many people care to spare sometime, just to give you a simple “Happy Birthday” words. I really really appreciate every tweets, every SMS, every phone calls, and every wall post that they gave to me. So every year, i'm trying to reply it one by one personally. Thus, 'Terimakasih Banyaak yaaahh' is the phrase that i most oftenly use on that day. ;))

This year i’ve got 3 cakes! YEEIIYY!!! And the most important is all the cakes are SUPER YUMMY!!! And sure i’m gonna devour all of thesee!!! Hahahaaa..

Buy a cake, decorate it. And blow out the candles : )

Thanks mom pop, I noticed that they always make my birthdays much brighter and delightful. Thanks for the happiness that you gave. I can’t more thankfull than this.

Thanks for the people who’s very soo kind spare sometime to stop by at my house and gave me that delicious cakes in person. i dont know what to say. TURBO THANK YOUUU FOR YOU. ;)

Too bad my best best friends 911 seems to forget my birthday. They usually come and cheers me up every year. Hikssss....

I recently read this wise words from twitter that makes me relieved and very grateful : 

" Dont be scared of being old, because many people in this world doesnt have a chance to grow old. "

Enjoy every second of it fellas! and be thankful for what you have. Life only comes once, make sure you're spending it wisely. (i'm mention it to my self too.. : D) Happy Birthday. Me. : )


Kamis, 13 Januari 2011


Specify one thing that makes you happy? What the first thing comes to your mind?

Mine is Friends. My circle of trust. I used to call them My 911, because everytime i get stuck, i have a trouble, need someone to talk to or just need a moments to laughing out loud, i just need to 'dial' my emergency call and wooozzz they'll always be there for me on the first place. This team is the 'place' i could rely on. More than friends, more like separated sisters ;)

I can't believe we've been being a good friends since 10,5 years ago. We growing up together, we knows each others life from the very beginning. we've been shared the past memories together and until know, we're going stronger that ever. Eventhough right now we currently being so busy with our activity as an employee, but we still manage to spare sometime to meet, just to hangout for a while. For me, i think i'm a lil bit obsessed to share my time with them, because i know for sure, everytime i share my moments with them, it'll be a VERY QUALIFIED and SUPER good time. I could laughing till my tears came out, i could sharing my story till my voice runs out and i can be my self because i can't do fake in front of them. ;D

Two days ago we decided to met at Grand Indonesia and getting
dinner together. But only 5 of us could come.

Quality time with My Best! (another pictures are in keisha's)

I think the dress code for that night was "The After Work." so i'm wearing my butterfly white shirt plus trouser pants, and sure wedges to elongate my legs. ;P. I can proudly say that i'm designing the white top and the bag that i wore. it looks good isn't?? *maksa* ;))

Apparently i'm looking like 27yrs old ladies. looking aging in a snap -____-*

One day i'm gonna write much moree about this 911 team. I have tons of story with them, but right now, my eyes couldn't open any longer. Last word to end this post is I'm so grateful i'm growing up with you guys (like keisha's said). Sounds cheesy but thats the truth girlss. Good Night Sizzzzyyy..... ;)


Senin, 10 Januari 2011


Its been several days i’m not sharing some story at this blog. I was busy taking care my job. The new issue is on the way. So i’m being a deadliner for a while. The only nightmare for a freelancer like me is , its hard to find the diffrence between weekdays and weekends. So sometimes i ended up stuck on the laptop’s screen all day and barely can’t going anywhere till the jobs finished. even on the weekends. (sorry for some people whos been very so kind asking me to go out at the weekends, when i said “i can’t”, maybe this is the main reasons. :( ).

Anyway, When i get busy doing my job, sometimes i’m becoming the “sinister” version of Ninda, simply because I’m a - brain only can work when the deadline date getting closer- type of person. Every cells of my body will working harder only if the time was running out! (Hahahaa..) so’ when this situation happens, somewhile i dont care with the liltle things that wasn’t worth my time. I dont care about the people around me (except mom n dad ...and my boss for sure ;p), i enjoy being totally autism in front of my laptop. I locked my room, playing the music loudly, and doing anything that makes me happy while getting my jobs done. Seems i just go outside only to take my meal and take a bath. But it doesn’t bother me much, coz this condition only takes a week in a month. After the deadline storm ( i called it “Badai Deadline” ) ends i can do anything i like! Hahahaaa..

Enough talking about my work..

How was your first week in 2011 going?? i can say my first week in 2011 running very well. Many grateful feelings came into me. From getting a new maid(s) (this is undeniably super good news! Especially for me! Bye bye Sumiati! :D) for cleaning the house and taking care odit, then i’m officially spent my last January’s weekend in Bali with Olga and Deni (WOHOOO!) and the fascinating one is my mom and dad promised to buy me “something” that i really really wanted, my last year wish (i cant tell you now!) , for my birthday present this yeaarr! (SUPEERR YEIIIYYY!!!!) even though I did not asked them to buy it for me. whoah,i know, i know, I Have The BEST Parents in The World! :D

Our Recent Family Pictures

Introducing My "INNER CIRCLE"
Mom, Dad, Kak Manda, Me, and That liltle one Odit ;)

I guess GOD decided to extend the happiness feelings from 2010 till (i hope forever) for me! Astungkara, God has been so generous and kind-hearted to me and my family. :)

Oh yeah, in my spare time, i’m making the “Ninda’s 2011 Resolutions” List, and i gain like 15 resolutions. And it keeps growing. I dont have a clue i could make those list come true or not, but at least i have a goals to achieve this year! So I’m trying my best, to be the best version of my self. What about you? Feeling energized already to throught the entire year?? I Hope so! ;D

HAPPY 11.1.11! *dashing date huh? i wish something remarkable happen to me today! ;)*


Selasa, 04 Januari 2011


Hello blog, may i report that i was doing nothing today. I was slept at 6 am in the morning and i felt spinning all over my head when i woke up. Not good at all. The reason why i hit the bed soo late is because yesterday was a Siwaratri’s day, which is me as a Hindu-nese should fasting all day and should not sleep till the sun rises up. This is not an obligation that i have to complete actually, but i’m curious what the feels like, being a Lubdaka for one night.

Since Lubdaka was not a famous story, i’ll tell you a bit about him...

Lubdaka is a myth (i dont know its a myth or a real story, lets say its a myth ;P) from India, about a tracker whom trapped at the top of a big tree when he was on his way doing his job,hunting animals in the jungle. He can’t going down, because a big tiger waiting hungrily under the tree. He was so scared and he decided hanging on the branch and not fall a sleep till the morning came. Because theres no food and he completely exhausted, he died. When he reached the afterlife’s door, the Gods actually had planned to enter him into the fire of hell, simply because he kills animals as his job. But because he accidently doing fasting and not sleep all night at the Siwaratri’s day the Gods decided to forgave him and put him to the splendor-ness of heaven. 

Honestly im not quite understand the essence of the Siwaratri’s day itself. I asked my mom and dad, and they told me, the main essence of Siwaratri’s is a self-control. We as a human, have the power to control our own mind and needs, and Siwaratri’s day, is the day where we are (Hindu-nese) reminded to get closer to God, by removing all worldly things and stuff.

Okey, seems like im patronizing you guys... hahahaa... but i gladly enough i could share the story about Lubdaka to all of you. Because that’s the only Hindu-nese story i’ve ever remember when i was a kid.

Thanks for reading. My friend Dian, who wanted to sleepover-ing at my house today has come. I need to sign out. 

P.S : I’m not doing fasting yesterday. ;P


Minggu, 02 Januari 2011



What did you do at the very first day of 2011?? well, my mom, dad and odit went to The Jungle Bogor, because i’m not feeling well and the NYE really drain my energy, i decided to stay at home. I’m writing on my blog (which is my current hobbies lately ;P), making pudding (my favorite dessert), browsing some data for LOOKS new issue, watching dvds, and trying to enjoy Saturday like always. 

At night, dad took me and my family to The Musical of Laskar Pelangi. The show held at TMI (Taman Ismail Marzuki), Cikini. The show was quite good, but not as spectacular as ONROP did. I feel boring (yawning over time) in the middle of the performance. Probably because the main target of this show are children. But i admit, the lighting effect, the sounds performance and the backdrop details are awesome. Yeah maybe i would give them 8 out of 10 for the storyline, but 9 for the stage details.

What i wore last night.


I'm not being narsistic (liltle bit maybe. ;P) but some of my friends

on twitter are really curious about what i wore last night. so here they are. : )

Thanks for reading this "unimportant" post!

See yaaaaaaaaaaa............... *waving*


Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

FIREWORKS and 1/1/11.

Waving goodbye to 2010. Today is the first day of 2011. How was your New Years Eve going? I celebrated the NYE with whole family around, we decided to watch movie and take a dinner outside. Nothing special, but knowing that this year i still had my complete family together is such a gratitude feelings. : )

For me 2010 is the best year i’ve ever been through, so much oppurtunity, luckiness, happy feelings and blessing came at that year. Feels like GOD really love me and showering me with so much happiness. Everything going smoothly as it can be. I’ve got my degree, I’ve met lot of new people, changing my perspective of life, became more optimistic yet realistic person, and the best part is one by one the things i’ve been dreaming to for such a long time became real at 2010.

Soo this are My 5 TOP great moments in 2010 :
  • Got my driving licence in May. (oke, pardon me for being so “Norak”.. for some people this might be an ordinary thing, but trust me, i always put this on my new year’s resolutions list since i was 18. So this was kinda BIG thing for me. ;p)
  • Got a chance to going abroad and doing KL – Singapore Trip with best friends in the end of July.
  • Moved to the new house in Agust (actually, its my mom and dad’s wildest dream for the last 2 years, and i am pointlessly happy that they could make it real this year. ;D)
  • Got an extra letter for my last name, S.Ds (bachelor of art) in October.
  • Being trusted to handle some of important job desk in the workplace since November.

Making La Bamba's Video Clip.
Laughing to DEAD! hahahaaa!!!

One of the Priceless Moment in 2010.
*Tahun 2011 ini mau kemana kita kawan?? ; )*
I could say 2010 is the year of change for my self and my family. The new stage of life. My older sister and odit graduated too at this year. My Sister being a doctor for real and Odit finally entered the world of school (in other words : the cruelity of life) as a primary school’s student. I still have a bunch of dreaming to pursue, and sure i put them on my new year’s resolutions 2011. Hopefully with the faith that i had, i could elevate my life to something better and make my wish come true.

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get all the things right.

Soooo are you ready for this new page of life??? ; )