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Selasa, 22 Februari 2011


Last night, i do a minor "curhat" session with one of my boy-friend, Pramaditya, who lives in Australia now to finished his study. Its been quite long time i've never shared my personal thought to him. So far, He's one of my closest friend, who always been straightforward and never do a fake opinions. So oneday, i stuck with this problem and i need a boy's point of views on this issue. hehehee.. Honestly, it was not an important issue for me, but i just wanna shared so i'm not ended up with guessing and curiousity. hahahaa..

sooo, here's the core of our liltle conversation. 


I have to captured it and save it, so oneday, if i lost my dignity of my self (again), towards anything in life (not just on this unimportant problem), i could re-read this image and believed that i worth better. hehee.. Btw, i love your statement Pram when you said that i have to start respected my self. I do respected my self, but i think it wasnt enough, sometimes under my consciousness, i exclude my self for other people's happiness. Hihihiii.. thanks for being my reminder last night. It seems "lebay" but, i deeply appreciated. yeah. I deserve better. : )

Just let me know when you get back to Jakarta. Sending my best prayer for you! kikikiiikk...

XOXO say.. ; )

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