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Senin, 21 Februari 2011


Hohohooo.. Welcoming the 'norak' part of Ninda. hahahaa.. I took all of those moron pictures yesterday before i'm going to bed. This is SUPER TACKY, hahaha.. i started to like this new present from mom and dad.. In short, this is the first apple product that i own, sooo pardon me if i act nonsense. hahahaa.. Since this is my first experience using IMAC, and the software for design haven't installed yet, this stupid act might be the last thing i can do. hahahaha...

Anyway, i have to wait patiently like a half year to bought this stuff. At first, i wanted to bought it by my own savings. I never told mom and dad that i deathly want it. I just told them that i wanted to trade my old laptop with the new one. And then a couple of weeks before my birthday, dad asked me did i still wanna buy a new laptop?? then i said, "no dad, i'm on my mission saving amount of money to buy an apple desktop, but my saving haven't reach the IMAC's price yet." In this light conversation, surprisingly dad made an offer to gave me the IMAC as my birthday present. hahahaa.. Actually, its okay for me to wait a little longer till i got enough money to pay for it, but maybe dad feels yearning on me. hahahaa..

Thus, dad offered to pay full price, but i force him that i have to pay at least a half price, because that IMAC is for me, and i'm gonna be so much happier if i could bought something with my own money. soo, here it is.

Belated Birthday's Present : )

Altough right now my savings was paintfully empty, 
but i'm happy i could swap it with an useful goods. hehehee..

Hope i could use this new gadget properly, because i barely didn't know how to use it. hahahaa..

See you letter on the next post.

XOXO *kiss

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