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Selasa, 28 Desember 2010


Last week i decided to dyed my hair brunette. Actually its been a long time i would like to dyed it and trying a new look, but because this and that it ended up just as a plan. After i got such a right time and courage to dyed it, i went to my favorite salon (whats "salon" in english?) -yeah the place where you can get you hair done- , picking the best color for my hair from the -hair colours example- book, praying, waiting like one and a half hour to get it dry aaaannnndddd.... VOILAAAA! here it isss....


When i get home with a full confident around me, the first person i saw in the front yard is my handsome man, daddy.. i said :

Me : "Dad, look i just dyed my hair!!! what do you think??" 
Dad : "Hahhaaa, what are you thinking? you're hair just like Trio Macan i saw on TV!"
Me : "Whaaaatt???? *shocked* are you sureee???? maybe its because the sun that afflict my hair!!! let see it inside.."

(in the living room)
Me : "See, see??? its not too red doesn't it?? *i was tried to convinced my self at that time honestly* , its far from Trio Macan hair colours dad!!!"
Dad : "What?? i didnt see any diffrent? hahahaaa.."
Me : "Hikkksss, i dont need your comments then!!"
Dad : "Nooo, its goooood, really!! *still laughing* you're pretty, whatever your hair color is, you still pretty okay!"
Me: "HUH!!!" *going upstairs with frustated face*

Here they are, TRIO MACAN. The group he was talking about. : (

I know he just felt so wrong laughing in the ass and said that mean words to me and doesnt want me to feel terrible with my hair result. but day by day, this hair colour seems to suit me. This colour is just exactly like what i want. i'm not confident at first, but now, im soo much in love with this new look. : )

Thanks daddy for turning me down. it's good to know that after what you've said, i'm not reducing my love for you.. *sigh*

P.S : Thanks to my nyae rempong Refina Candika, who's been very so kind helping me picking the right colours during her office hours. Almighty 6.26! *hugs*

What do you think, is that looks good on me?? ; )

See you in the next posting.


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