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Senin, 07 Mei 2012

When Prayers & Hard Work combined

Wow, how wise my post's tittle is.. Hahahaa.. 
Well, April was such a roller coaster for me, in terms of works and career.
Remember on the last post i told you that one of my friends gave me a job offer and I still waiting for his news so i'm not telling you the whole part?

Anyway, this is the continuation of the story. I've landed to the opportunity to working overseas. Not too far from Indonesia actually, its in KL. But still, its not in Indonesia. hahaha! I was thrilled at first when I received the news that I got a chance to doing an Interview there. It just a few months after i submit my resume and CV. Yet at the same time I felt confused and a little anxious, and wonder "Well, what I have to do now?" hahahaa.. The company just gave me a very limited time to decide whether I'm in for the interview or not. Sure I said "YES!" without thinking too much, since this is the chance I've been lusting from the last couple of months. I mean working overseas has always posed a great experience for me, if I take this chances, aside from the works scope, at least I will be able to improve my english since its the 2nd language in Malay. Then, I will be more dependable on my self, I've never been live far away from home, and I am really excited on that time.

Well to keep the story short, the preparation for the interview was not as easy as I thought, I have to printed out all my projects I have done recently, revise my resume, made a proper pas photo, booked an air flight tickets, did some research and studied more about the company, and oohh btw, my passport was expired! hence, I've tried to find a 'joki' to extend my passport, and voila the passport can be use again after i paid the 'joki' for about IDR 800k (damn, he robbed a lot! -___-* ).

Soo here we go. I was being interviewed by the VM user, HR, HR Manager, and the COO. Every stage of the interview went well – my skills and my presentation positioned me as their prospective candidate. I did a window roll out on that time, I met heaps of new people there, I learning many things as I expected, I've tried 'mamak' (it's like hunting a cheap street food at night with a bunch of friends) and I got a chance to visited several new places in KL. Really a blithe full days I've spent there. : )

After I'm going back to Jakarta, the company still stay connected with me to discuss about the contract and work permit. Unfortunately, my work permit is still on process (really hard process to be approved actually) since there was a regulation that can't be ignored. The company still looking for a way to solve my work permit case. The decision haven't finalized yet. Nothing to lose. I leave it in the fate's hands. : )

Regardless of the unplanned 'work permit' issue, whether I am accepted or not, the experiences I've earned there was an excellent learning opportunity that can help me manage the next steps of my professional journey. Priceless!

Here we go! : D 

KLCC Tower, The location where I'm doing the 1st window roll out. 

My 1st KL friend who accompanied me when I was there, Nadjwa! 

I miss you Nadster!!! 

Trashy video I was made when I am at LCCT, waiting my flight back to Jakarta. 

Boring to death and my flight was delayed almost an hour! *do ignore! ; p* 

Still put my hope high on it! Wish me luck guys! ♥ 

Lots Love, 


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