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Senin, 23 Januari 2012

Pool Side Day!

Gong xi Gong xi for everyone who celebrate the Chinese New Year! hehehee..
I have been wrote these 'Gong xi - Gong xi' words quite often today, I personally sent those words to my chinese friends via BBM and twitter. Most of them replied with some weird words like "Kiong Hie!" "Kwan Lie" and Xie xie!" I don't even know what those means...

Well, today i celebrated this Lunar New Year with my besties including my BF Gaura. I do a little belated birthday treat at Rumah Putih, the new pool side restaurant in Cempaka Putih.

The ambience of the place is really nice, but i think it would be better if we visit the resto at night, since the lighting from the candles and the spotlight will effect the pool side view more better.

Anyway, I was more than happy because most of my closest friends that i invited are joined the treat!
Like always, spreading gossip is a must, no subject's too small to be discussed.. hahahaa..
This is what i lovee when me and my besties got packed together, we throwing some short jokes, and we start laughing like no body cares and sometimes no one *except us* understands what we laughed about. Sharing stories with them always makes the atmosphere colorful. Everyone likes it. And it makes the moment more enjoyable. ♥

Yeiiyyy, nearly complete team!


Okay, let's waving hands to the long weekends. It's ended already. HIKSSSS!!!
Can i extend the holiday pleaseeeee…. *pause* …. YEAAAPP! enough whining, this weekdays will pass before you know it! ooh work, let me get my on leave days asap!

See yaaa in the other post! 

枝节  -  *it means 'bye' in Chinese*

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