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Selasa, 01 Maret 2011


The Video of a million expressions, 
unfortunately it can't be uploaded on this blog. i dont know why. :(

Doing this moron liltle things that i usually do with dad. This was one of them. Its sublimely FUN!!! i laughted all the time when i saw mine and dad's face in this mirror's camera mode. This all started when dad wanted to move some data on my PC, when we busy waiting till data appears, i told him i'm making this silly photographs last night.. since my father was not into technology that much, he curious how could i can make a photo like that? its like an alien, but with silly expression. Then i told him how to make it, a minute after, he totally into it! he making like a tons of silly expression in the camera and i just laugh out loud everytime i saw the result!!! kikikiiikk.. and these are some of them...

Best expression so far! sure we gonna make another HIT after this! :D



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