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Selasa, 28 Desember 2010


Oke. This is my first post on my blog. 

Lil bit confused at first, i spend like 2 hours just to decide the right name for my blog. hahahhaa.. no i'm not exxagerated the time, during that 2 hours i keep searching, thinking, and browsing the perfect name for this new toy. and here it issss sounds mystical right? hahahaa.. 

The story begins when one of my best friend, dian nuzulia ( *i even didnt know how to insert her page address in one click* making a blog. She wanted to be able to write in english fluently, and she puts that point in the list of her new year's resolutions. She said writing on the blog is the best way to practice english, since iam not good enough writing in english, she influenced me to do so. ;)

Me with my besties Dian , Enjoying lunch!

and now, i still learning running this program properly and i have a faith to keep moving forward. This toy would be my new diary, the place i share thoughts, moments and tales. Sorry if i had a mistake typo or grammar, like i said, i still learning... :D

Soooo, it would be lovely if you could spare a moment to stop by sometimes at my blog and leave a note or give some comments. : )

Welcoming Whispers of Ninda.


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