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Minggu, 17 April 2011


Hoah, very hustle bustle week. I almost didn't get my off days. Very tired but i'm sublimely happy that i've got so many experiences in my new office. This was one of them, Fashion Nation. Fashion Nation is an annual event, organized by Senayan City. The brand that

i worked, took part in this event. Soo this was kinda first project for me. Me with several members of the team assigned to handle some important work, like picking the looks for the fashion show (with my boss approval of course), preparing the clothes, doing the fitting with the models before the event begins, and get busy in the backstage to whip up the models. Its a very weary day, but i think i've done my part very well so everything going as smooth as it supposed to be. Lucky me i'm not doing my job desk alone, i'm surrounded by the

people which has often handle this kind of event. hehee..

Thus, i make some resume of what i'm doing on this pictures. : )


*unfortunately i can't took a pics during the show, 
cause i'm busy preparing the models in the backstage. HUH! :"( *

Can't wait for the next exhibiton. Bye super short weekends.

Tommorow is Monday already. HIKSSSS....

HAH! Enough complaining..

Learn Better, Grow Higher! Wohooo!


Minggu, 10 April 2011

The combination of longing ;)


Wooww, time flies really fast when we grow up. Its been 6months already since Titi, my best friend went to Manchester to finished her master's degree. ooohh, how i really miss her. Without taking amount of time waiting, next day after she arrived in Jakarta, we arrange plan to gathering together, reserved a place to hang out and sharing story about our recent life. Titi told us about her collage problems, the weather in her city, foods, and anything! Its good to see her healthy and exhilarated. 

We spent our night at Luna Negra, new resto in Jakarta. The place was nice and the vibe was good. After that we took dinner at Zenbu, i'm totally drooling with their beef ramen, especially with their dynamite soup. YUMMYH!!! For the following hours we sharing laugh, rolling back the memories and gossiping! hahahaa.. Titi gave us a Manchester United's Coaster as a gift, with our each name on it. I'm not a big fans of football actually, but now, this MU Coaster glued beautifully in front of my PC. hihihiii.. Thanks baby...

One night is never enough to overcome this thirst. We gonna catch up soon yah ti! enjoy your week at Jakarta before you go back to England. See youu soonnn!!!!

*Intergalactic mode to beautify the pictures! Hope you all like it! hihihiiii*


Sabtu, 09 April 2011


Ooohhh... how i miss blogging and spare time. This new job is quite drain my energy. So far, the things went smooth at the office. The people around me is very nice, they helping me doing my jobs well...

hemm, right now i dont wanna talk about my office's job. not in the right tune of my mood. hahahaa...

Btw, the internet was being sucks for a week. it cant works properly. Soo i cant post anything on my blog. Hence, this pic should have been posted last week, with story on it. But' i forgot the story, so i just gonna post the looks. hahahaa.. sorry, like i said, i'm not in the mood doing anything. But i just feel the urge to post something on this blog. hahahhaa.. yeah, trashy post! i dont care.

oke. need to sign out. bye. cioooww!